159 Acres M/L
LOCATION: From Ruskin, NE, 4 Miles south of Highway 136 on 4600 Road and East
1 Mile on Road G.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NW ¼ Section 2 T-1N R-5W of the 6th P.M., Nuckolls County,
POSSESSION: Immediate possession available
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: 150.6 Tillable Acres. This farm is relatively level, high
quality, very productive farms available for the 2021 growing season.
TERMS: Real Estate Taxes for 2020 and prior will be paid by the Seller. Real Estate
selling is NOT contingent on financing, please have financials in order prior to auction.
Phone Auction will take place on Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 starting at 12:00 Noon.
To be placed on the call list contact Neil Bouray. 10% of purchase price down, and
execution of contract due immediately following Auction. The cost of an owner’s title
insurance policy shall be divided equally between buyer and seller.
2020 TAXES: $3,407.58